Sunday, August 14, 2005

Oh, the tears...

I've finished my WIP (work in progress)--The Stone Key, the rough draft--and the most curious thing happened as I was writing the last chapter (There's a epilogue as well, but I'm talking about the last full chapter). Now, I've made myself laugh while writing (my sharp wit, you know), and I've even made myself cry a few tears when I wrote a tender scene in Yours Always. But last night as I was typing, I was sobbing. I mean couldn't-see-the-keyboard-grabbing-the-tissue-box-blowing-the-nose-dripping-everywhere sobbing as I wrote that final scene. What a catharsis. It was fabulous. I have no idea if my emotional rampage translated onto the page, but what an experience. I was worn out afterwards (or afterwords, as the case may be --see, it's that sharp wit thing). We had to have pizza for dinner.

Now let's hope I can find a publisher to buy it. Paranormal anyone?

1 comment:

Camy Tang said...

Congrats on finishing! I think the crying sounds cool, wish I would sob at my own happy endings!