Sunday, March 18, 2007

Hope and its many springs...

I'm feeling good about the writing right now, although I'm up to my neck in Huckleberry Finn tests and Tom Sawyer exams. It's a funny thing about hope. He/she/it (the monster) carries you from the highest peaks of euphoria to the depths of despair, and the journey can happen in the course of a few minutes.

So, yes, I have a few manuscripts out there, a few agent queries floating around right now, and for whatever reason I'm hopeful about them. I'm sure tomorrow I'll go back to thinking my work is dreck (OK, never that, just that it's not good ENOUGH) and wait for the rejections to continue to roll on through, but today, the sun is shining and I have hope.
Did you know that the Greeks didn't consider Pandora releasing Hope from the box a good thing? It was one of the evils of the world.


What I'm reading now:
Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier (Can you believe I missed this one and have never read it? And I've only seen parts of the movie and I love Hitchcock.)
The Mask of the Black Tulip by Lauren Willig (another fun romp following the Pink Carnation--and you know what, there wasn't a lot of sex in it, if at all--how about that in a world where erotica seems to be the only way to break into romance these days?)
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark twain (But it ends this week--then my seventh graders are starting something new--A Midsummer Night's Dream)
Great Tales and Poems by Edgar Allan Poe (Guess what my eighth graders are doing?)