Sunday, August 21, 2005

It's in the Cosmos

Have you ever noticed that ideas seem to occur to everyone at the same time? Like the year they had two volcano movies, and the next year when they had two asteroid movies. (I'm not sure about the chronological order, so feel free to set me straight...See? I've been reduced to begging for comments.) Last night my daughter was watching the Lion King, and I realized it was the same plot as the current book I'm reading. Not that there's anything wrong with it. It happens all the time. Depending on whose theory one ascribes to, there are only seven, or three, or one plot out there with which to write our stories. Think about it. How many stories are there about an orphaned child who lives with guardians who don't like him/her? Let's see: Cinderella, A Series of Unfortunate Events, Harry Potter, Annie, and on and on. Right now I'm brainstorming ideas for my next novel, and I've came up with an idea for the heroine, only to discover the same backstory information in "By the Waters of Babylon" by Stephen Vincent Benet. (My story has a totally different plot, but the same set up.) This is one of the phenomena I love about writing; if you give twenty people the same idea, you should get twenty different stories from it. (Unless one of the writers is a plagiarist, but that's a whole different monster.)

My current reads are: The Runaway Duke, Goddess for Hire, a bunch of short stories: "The Lottery," "One Thousand Dollars," "By the Waters of Babylon," "A Rose for Emily," and "A Sound of Thunder" (Hey, I've read them before, but I have to refresh my memory before I can teach them to my students).

Read an excerpt of my latest novel, Temptation's Warrior, at


Anonymous said...

Yeah, like starting a blog...everyone's got the same idea! Glad you joined the blogging world. I'll show you the secret handshake sometime.

I'll add you to my blogroll.

Oh, and I've always wanted to ask a writer...where do you get your ideas?

Amanda McCabe/Amanda Carmack/Laurel McKee said...

Hey, at least your WIP isn't the same general set-up as A Rose for Emily, LOL! Thanks for letting me know about your blog, Gabi, it's great :)

Gabi Stevens said...

All my ideas come from the idea warehouse in Nebraska. YOu haveheard of it, right?

Gabi Stevens said...

"A Rose for Emily" would make a very creepy background for a heroine. Ewww.