Saturday, December 31, 2005

It's a new year after all..

On the eve of 2006, I have to tell you that I make no new year's resolutions. Oh, I have hopes and dreams for the upcoming year, but January 1 is just an arbitrary date--one that I am the first to admit gives us a great excuse to party--and has no real meaning in the long term. It's just a convenient way to track time. I make resolutions when the mood strikes me: March, Tuesdays, three A.M. (I have sleeping issues). I believe resolutions are a good thing, I just don't make them now.

But for the new year, I wish all of you peace, health, and above all joy. For myself, well, I'd settle for a new book contract. Got a great manuscript ready to go.

So from me to you:

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Words of wisdom

I haven't blogged in two weeks, so I wanted to put something particularily pithy on the page today. Some brilliant topic to dazzle you readers. Something to take your breath away and impress you with my intelligence. So what did I come up with? Nothing. A big fat zero. And let's face it, nothing is not impressive. Oh sure, one can write about nothing and fill a page, but it's still nothing. I've just finished making a present for writing friends--a box filled with 365 inspirational writing quotes--filled with brilliance...from others. Some of these quotes are fabulous: "You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club." --Jack London. Or "Take chances. You will succeed if you are fearless of failure." --Natalie Goldberg. So I thought I'd spread my own words of wisdom. Ah well. I still have nothing.

Books I'm reading: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Too much going on this time of year to read much more than a comfort read. ALthough I am having fun teaching a mini-class on Latin to my students. They think they're learning a language. I know they're learning grammar.)

Enjoy the season, and sieze the joy in every day. Life is just too short to do otherwise.