Sunday, April 13, 2008

Back to work/school

My daughters have senioritis, my students think they're in high school already, and I...well, I resent that I'm still playing "catch up" from my week's absence. I have all these creative needs that aren't being met because I have papers to grade.Sigh.

The first week back went well, although by Friday I was wiped out. And because I've been favoring one side over the other, my knee gave out yesterday, so I'm in pain again.
OK, this blog was not meant to be a whine session (although wine seems to help --LOL). I'm looking to see what promotion I want to do with my September release, and still trying to find time to finish up the WIP. But there's only 28 days of school left and then I can be a full time writer again. For a while.

And I'm excited about getting back in the game full time.


Books I'm reading now:
Once Smitten, Twice Shy by Lori Wilde
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by William Shirer
Bewitching by Jill Barnett
And lately I've gotten hooked on The Office (I know that's TV, but hey, this is my blog)
And I'll be buying Randy Pausch's The Last Lecture. For whatever reason, his name has appeared in my life daily since last week Saturday. It's a sign. LOL