Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Anybody out there like "House" as much as I do?

I don't have time to watch TV. I'm not bragging, because after working all day, there is nothing I would rather do than veg a little in front of the tube, but I just don't have the time (not to mention we have initiated "no technology hour" at our house.) But I have been able to make time to watch "House, MD" for two weeks now. The characters are terrific, complex, funny, and sympathetic. Yes, even House. I love that character. Talk about your flawed hero. Besides, I have been a fan of Hugh Laurie since he appeared in "Wooster and Jeeves" on PBS. A very talented man.

But if I had to choose between TV and a good book, the book would win every time. Not trying to sound snobby here, just stating my preferences.

And notice I said "good" book.


Camy Tang said...

Love House! Looooooooooooooooove that show. Great conflicts, both internal and external, for each character. And the humor peppering each episode makes the emotional parts even better.

Gabi Stevens said...

And there's just something about Hugh Laurie...I know he wouldn't be considered a hunk, but I've always found funny-looking men appealing. Just don't tell my husband I think he's funny-looking.