Sunday, September 04, 2005

Every little bit...

I'm doing my own little bit to help. Over at (you've heard me mention them before) they have adopted a family whose home and belongings were wiped out by Katrina. Leslie Ferdinand and her mother write romances as Christine Holden. Squawkradio is trying to help Leslie and her family (including three young children), so I've jumped onto their bandwagon and posted a couple of items for sale at eBay to benefit the family. I've put up two sets of EVER YOURS and YOURS ALWAYS (to be autographed, of course) along with a set of cover flats (except from A MATTER OF PRIDE, of which I have none) a complete set of postcards from all my books and a souvenir Destiny Coin. Visit

to see the other fabulous items the ladies at squawkradio have donated or to bid on my books. And for more detailed information visit

This is definitely a time to count our blessings and take joy in the few troubles our lives have compared to others.

Always dreaming,

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