Friday, November 04, 2005

A Brand New Wind...

No, I'm not suffering from flatulence. I came back from the Red River non-conference (if you want more info about this, you must e-mail me) so full of writing energy that I can hardly find the time to eat (and you'd think I'd lose weight from this, but no, my body decides that it must store all fat in case of the Big One, just to be safe). So I've got all this writing energy (an entirely different beast than the energy to, say, make beds or do laundry) and I've been revising away at THE STONE KEY, and having a great time doing it. Patting myself on the back here-- TEMPTATION'S WARRIOR is out, getting great reviews, and for a change I'm not having so much angst about the writing. It's a good place to be.

Meanwhile I'm reading Charmed and Dangerous by Lori Wilde, Dandelion Wine by Ray Bradbury (For my classes, but it's so good it's worth mentioning) and I just finished Some Enchanted Evening, by Christina Dodd. And of, course, I'm working on THE STONE KEY , an unpublished manuscript by Gabriella Anderson.

Keep those dreams big.

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