Wednesday, November 16, 2005

I've been good...

I received my flu shot today. I've never had one before, but since I'm exposed to all kinds of germ carriers (read: students), getting the shot might make sense this year. And getting it was really easy, considering they offered it at my place of work, so I didn't even have to make much of an effort. I'll keep you posted how I fare this winter.

I'm finishing up the final revision on my WIP, and trying to re-read Harry Potter nd the Goblet of Fire before the movie comes out. The previews look great, and I love the books, so I'm looking forward to this weekend. Of course, having the seventh book in my hands would generate a great deal more excitment.

Temptaion's warrior is getting great reviews all over. Check them out and see:'sWarriorReview.html

One is also coming out in Booklist
and one should be posted on the 20th at Romance Reviews Today:

All is well, the weather has turned cold, and I've got to start worrying about cooking that turkey. I still have to buy it and all the accouterments. Maybe I haven't been so good after all...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the great reviews! Now, you really need to learn how to make links using html. Do this: less than signahref=""lessthansign/agreaterthansign.

Oh well. Maybe that will work.

You will envy me. I'm taking a history of London class, and swimming in knowledge. I'm trying to sign up for a class at Oxford next term, probably history related. I should probably justify this by writing a historical.

If you need any research, I'm your man. Or woman.