Friday, January 16, 2009


It's cold. Not so much for me as the rest of the country, but it's still cold. My daughters are off in Massachusetts and Georgia. One picked MA because she liked winter (OK, that wasn't the only criterion for her college choice) and the other picked GA because she didn't. I called both of them to see how they're liking the weather. One is loving the 3 degrees Fahrenheit because she now has a coat that keeps her warm (Don't get me started. We told her that she needed a coat, but she waited until she came home for Winter break when we could get her one for Christmas), and the other is complaining , although she got a coat as well, about the 30 degrees that Atlanta has been suffering.

I don't mean to make light of the cold. People are hurting out there, but I've never been a fan of winter. Oh, I thought that perhaps I could enjoy winters (I went through several in Illinois, New York, and Colorado in my life), but the best part of winter for me has always been sitting inside where it's warm and drinking hot chocolate. I could never understand paying tons of money to strap slats onto one's feet and brave snow covered slopes (Not to mention going too fast, but that's another issue entirely). Of course, it easily could be that I'm the crazy one.

So this winter I'm dreaming of sun soaked beaches, islands surrounded by blue water, and warmth. I don't have that either. More's the pity. And we won't even discuss how I find scuba diving and snorkeling safe as opposed to skiing.

Stay warm,

Books I'm reading now:
The Seduction of the Crimson Rose by Lauren Willig
My RITA books...all seven of them

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