Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Post Thanksgiving Blahs

I cooked, I ate, I shopped; it was good. But now I'm still battling whatever made me ill last week (not a cold, slight fever, a cough deep in my chest, and thank you, but I don't need a diagnosis) and I have to get back to work tomorrow.

So the blahs have hit. I know, I know, I could start decorating for the next holidays, but my husband hasn't even removed the Halloween stuff from our living room yet (Yes, I know I could do it, but do I want to?) So instead I'm taking today to wallow (and correct homework papers) and just enjoy being out of sorts for a day.

On the other hand, the writing is going well. This historical feels like coming home and slipping into something comfortable. Of course, if my paranormal sells, I will love to write the next two stories that are in my head. Let's just say, I really feel like a writer first and a teacher second, a good place to be.


Books I'm reading:
The Pagan Stone by Nora Roberts
Tall, Dark, and Texan by Jodi Thomas
Deep South by Nevada Barr
New Moon by Stephanie Meyer

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