Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Post Thanksgiving Blahs

I cooked, I ate, I shopped; it was good. But now I'm still battling whatever made me ill last week (not a cold, slight fever, a cough deep in my chest, and thank you, but I don't need a diagnosis) and I have to get back to work tomorrow.

So the blahs have hit. I know, I know, I could start decorating for the next holidays, but my husband hasn't even removed the Halloween stuff from our living room yet (Yes, I know I could do it, but do I want to?) So instead I'm taking today to wallow (and correct homework papers) and just enjoy being out of sorts for a day.

On the other hand, the writing is going well. This historical feels like coming home and slipping into something comfortable. Of course, if my paranormal sells, I will love to write the next two stories that are in my head. Let's just say, I really feel like a writer first and a teacher second, a good place to be.


Books I'm reading:
The Pagan Stone by Nora Roberts
Tall, Dark, and Texan by Jodi Thomas
Deep South by Nevada Barr
New Moon by Stephanie Meyer

Sunday, November 16, 2008

T-shirts and bumper stickers

I don't wear T-shirts often, except when I'm at home or I work out (which should tell you how rarely I wear T-shirts. I know, I know, I should work out more) and I don't put stickers on my car except when I have to, but that doesn't mean I don't like the sayings printed on these two media. I'm a sucker for a good pun or witty turn of phrase. So here is a random sample of some of my favorites:

I am the Grammarian about whom your mother warned you.
I am an English major (you do the math).
National Sarcasm Society (Like we need your support)
There are 10 types of people who understand binary: those who do and those who don't.
Visualize Whirled Peas
When I was your age, Pluto was a planet.
Hyperbole is the best thing ever

And for you cat lovers, this is a warning. Don't read the following!

So many cats, so few recipes

(Don't send me hate mail. It made me laugh. I can't help it if I have a sick sense of humor.)

So, do you have any favorites?

Books I'm reading now:
Dark of the Moon by Susan Krinard
Twilight by Stephanie Meyer
Ill Wind by Nevada Barr

Tuesday, November 04, 2008


No, this isn't a blog about the election (And how many people did you have calling your house today to vote? We stopped counting at 16). It's about changes and the things we want to change and the changes that are thrust upon us.

Too often we are complacent in our lives and not wanting to risk anything that might upset the status quo. But I believe, and I always have, that most change is good. It helps you grow, it helps you learn, it helps you live. Change can be painful, but in most changes bring positive energy into your life. At least they have in mine.

I've been meditating why lately I've been afraid to take those risks that bring change. Goodness knows, I would enjoy a change in my life right now (and no, I'm not talking about changing husbands or children for that matter). And I guess I've had change--my daughters are off at college, but that really was just a natural extension of events--but I'm looking for some sort of personal change. I have set some wheels in motion, so now I an actively pursueing a change. I'm certainly ready for a change in the writing career.

So, Universe, are you listening? I'm ready for a change.

--Books I'm reading now:
Men in Kilts by Katie MacAlister
The Undead Next Door by Kerilyn Sparks