Saturday, September 13, 2008

Empty Nest?

With two kids off to college this years (twins, doncha know, so I lost two at once), you'd think I was suffering from empty nest syndrome. Nope.

Don't get me wrong. I miss them, and I think they don't call or email me often enough, but it's not that I miss them. I just want to hear their news. Their lives have to be more exciting right now than mine. I just go to work and come home. They are off in new parts of the country, learning new things, meeting new people. I want to hear the excitement in their voices. And no, I'm not living my life through them.

But I don't think I'm suffering from empty nest syndrome. I already moved my remaining daughter into one of her sisters' room, painted the walls, took over her room as an office, painted those walls, and I'm loving having my own space for writing. In fact I'm thinking of having my twins share a room when they come home so I can keep the office to myself. I love having my own place to work and write. I have an extra table in their for when I work on hard copy, I have my own computer (not this one) just for writing, and my floor to ceiling bookshelves that still have space to hold more! It's quite lovely.

Nope. No empty nest. I have my own life.
But I do wish they would call more often.

Books I'm reading now:
Catcher in the Rye by JD Salinger
The Emergency Doctor's Chosen Wife by Molly Evans

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