Monday, July 23, 2007

It's Just A Number...

Age that is. It's just a number. So on Saturday I did something I haven't done since High School. I pulled an all nighter. By 7:00AM, I had finished HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS, so I went to bed. I couldn't fall asleep for another half an hour, then I woke up at 10:30 AM. I admit taking another nap in the afternoon, but I went to bed at 11:00 that evening and woke up just fine--OK, a little later--on Sunday morning.

My point is I was having fun and I didn't want it to stop. One would think that someone of MY AGE would know better, but I realized I had nothing else planned, I wasn't hurting anyone, so why not stay up all night and have fun? Age has nothing to do with it.

Now if only my knees would have that same philosophy....


Books I'm reading now:
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (finished and now I'm reading it for the second time--first time through fast for the plot, second time through to cherish the writing)
Harry Potter and the Prisoner and Azkaban (still reading it aloud to the youngest child)
All Night Long by Jayne Anne Krentz
And I'm writing...


Anonymous said...

My two girls had a race to see who could finish first. Even though Leah had a 5 hour head start, having bought it around midnight here, when Hannah called at 7 a.m. Leah was sound asleep, having only read 100 pages or so.

There's an analogy there about tortoises and hares, but I can't quite put my finger on it.

Gabi Stevens said...

I'm on the second read right now--nice and slow for the content, not the plot. We've all read it now (except Stef), including the hubby.