Monday, July 30, 2007

Forces at Work...

Really weird things happen when I write. I tend not to plot; I just have an idea and I sit and write what the characters show me in my head. This means, of course, when I'm done with the first draft, I often have to go back and fix the beginning so it works with the rest of the novel. But strange things happen in the course of writing. I get these ideas that just fit and make a beautiful layer in the text. I don't know how I do it. I call this Magic.

So I was writing this morning and the Magic struck. I had to take a brief break to post here (and to take passport forms to the Post Office and get the dog chipped), but the Magic is waiting for me at my keyboard. I love the Magic. And it seems to be striking often in my WIP (work-in-progress, doncha know).

Books I'm reading now:
Mommy for a Minute by Judy Christenberry
The Leopard Prince by Elizabeth Hoyt
The Italian Prince's Pregnant Bride by Sandra Marton (Gotta love the title)
And yes, I have finished Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows for the second time. And I so love JK Rowling for her Dateline interview last night where she answered some of the questions I had.


Anonymous said...

Passports? Dog chipped? I had to do all that, right before I moved here...what's up?

Gabi Stevens said...

Since the fmaily is hoping for a trip to the UK, Germany and Hungary next summer, the girls needed updated passports (and yes, I'll be in touch, Kathy), and it's the new law in ABQ that all dogs must be chipped, so McQueen went in. Not that she'd ever leave the backyard except on a leash. She's such a chicken.