Wednesday, October 12, 2005

It's 6:30 in the morning...

...and I'm getting ready for school (that's work, you know), and I'm grumpy. Who wouldn't be? It's an ungodly hour, and I don't even drink coffee (not for any particular reason except that to drink it I need it with half cream and about four sugars until it tastes like hot coffee ice cream, but at that point I'm thinking calories, so it's just not worth it.) The sun isn't even in the sky yet (not that we've had sun for the past-gulp-five days). This is definitely not my favorite time of year. I don't like getting cold. The days are shorter, and it's still too warm to wear my calf length stadium jacket--which is definitely overkill here in New Mexico, but I already mentioned I hate getting cold. And on top of all that I don't do mornings well (You read that post, right?). My afternoon classes definitely fare better than my morning classes.
So as I peek outside and see...nothing...I realize it's time to shut off the machine (this one) and continue putting on the make up, make sure the family is awake, and maybe rethink the whole coffee thing. Oh, yes, I don't do tea either, and it's just too early for booze.

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