Thursday, January 03, 2008

Happy New Year

Resolutions? Not for me. I don't do the whole "this year I will..." thing. Either I do something or I don't. Time of year doesn't matter. Besides, if you think about it, this whole "new"year thing is pretty arbitrary anyway. The new year used to start in March (Thus the discrepancy in George Washington's age you sometimes find). If you teach, you're only in the middle of the year. And it's winter. How can anyone start anything in winter? (Being facetious here--I know there are people out there who like winter...strange people)

But in the spirit of the season and the need to write new numbers on my checks, Happy New Year to you all. May your year be filled with joy, luck, love, and riches. For me, a new book contract will do.

Books I'm reading now:
Tell Me Lies by Jennifer Crusie (a re-read)
The Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett (not because it's an Oprah pick--this is a re-read before I buy the sequel. Of course I had forgotten how much I loved this book.)
The Husband Trap by Tracy Anne Warren

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